The Latest from RIPL: Issue 4 of Vol. 17 has been published

Dear Subscribers,

The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law is proud to announce the publication of Issue 4 of Volume 17!  We are pleased to feature articles by David Brezina, Tom Brody, Dayoung Chung, Naina Gulati and Jasmeet Gulati, and Weiguang Wu covering a wide range of topics: from the value of trademark registration in promoting speech under the First Amendment, the first published review of Laundry List rebuttal arguments, trademark law in fashion innovation, analysis of knowledge/skill standards of a “person skilled in art,” to balancing two trademark rights in Japan’s judicial practices. Also included are student comments by Sam Hensel, discussing “Pay for Delay” agreements in pharmaceutical drug brands, and Tzu-I Lee, discussing how artists rely on “moral rights” in preventing their works from intentional distortion under the Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA).

Lastly, the incoming 2018-2019 RIPL Board would like to thank the 2017-2018 RIPL Board members for their outstanding devotion and mentoring over the last year and through the transition process. We wish you the best as you prepare for the Bar Exam! We look forward to reconnecting with you at future alumni events and hearing about your success!


