The Latest from RIPL: Issue 3 of Volume 18 has been published
The Latest from RIPL: Issue 3 of Volume 18 has been published Heading link
The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law is proud to announce the publication of Issue 3 of Volume 18! We are pleased to feature articles by Benjamin Bradford & Remi Jaffre, Claire Guo, and Evan Tallmadge covering a wide range of topics, including: derivative trade secrets, the intersection of antitrust and patent law, and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. Also included are student comments by Madison Makeever and Thomas Placzek, discussing prior art in provisional patent applications and copyright registration discrepancies.
Uncertain Protection of “Derivative” Trade Secrets, 18 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 241 (2019)
Benjamin Bradford and Remi Jaffre
Nationalizing TRIPS: An Examination Through Exceptions, 18 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 285 (2019)
Evan Tallmadge
The 2018-2019 Editorial Board of the John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law