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RIPL Issue 16-3 Now Online

Dear Subscribers,

The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law is proud to announce the publication of Issue 3 of Volume 16!  This special issue focused on the legal issues surrounding video games. We are pleased to feature articles by Jason Zenor, William Ford, and Andrew Rossow covering a wide range of topics including the balance between the First Amendment freedom of speech and the right of publicity, the uses (and misuses) of the Rogers test, and the latest trends deriving from augmented reality.


If It’s in the Game: Is there Liability for User-Generated Characters’ Likeness?, 16 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 291 (2017)
Jason Zenor

Restoring Rogers: Video Games, False Association Claims, and the “Explicitly Misleading” Use of Trademarks, 16 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 306 (2017)
William K. Ford

Gotta Catch . . . a Lawsuit? A Legal Insight into the Intellectual, Civil, and Criminal Battlefield Pokemon Go has Downloaded onto Smartphones and Properties Around the World, 16 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 329 (2017)
Andrew L. Rossow

The Editorial Board
John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law